CII TCM Division conduct awareness sessions on various contemporary topics, enabling the industry to improve on cost competitiveness. The awareness sessions are handled by distinguished persons from industry, renowned thinkers, representatives from apex bodies including global bodies and academicians.
Various events are organized bringing together the experts from a wide spectrum of sectors. Contemporary subjects enlightening the industry audience are chosen.
CII - IIMK Management Development Program
26,27 & 28th August 2021
Boards and CXO's are battling pandemic through redesigned business strategies & value chain. Input inflation, demand uncertainties, supply chain shocks continue to hmper potential profit. Cross industry learning through TCM architecture can provide deeper insights into business transformations.
Cost Congress 2020
27th & 28th November 2020
CII is working with industry and provide solutions to the current challenges through cross industry learning and case study approach. The 19th edition of International Conference on Total Cost Management, ‘Cost Congress 2020’ is all set to demonstrate eminent case studies by illustrious speakers
CII TCM Webseries - 4: Reviving business & Recasting costs for profitability in Post Covid
30th Jul 2020 at 1500 - 1700 hrs
Pleased to inform that CII TCM Webseries is scheduled on 30th Jul 2020 at 1500hrs – 1700hrs. The focus of the webseries is on improving operations. The participants shall be enlightened on the deploying MFCA tool to reduce wastages & costs; reducing operational costs, segregating good costs and bad costs.